Reiki Master Teacher Class in Western & Japanese traditions
November 9, 5:30 – 9:00 pm & November 10, 9 am – 9pm.
Call 530 274-2496 for preregistration and directions. Tuition: $1111.00.
Interview, Reiki I & II certificates, and apprenticeship required.
Instruction will be given in the Usui system of attunements as well as the Komyo Reiki system founded by Hyakuten Inamoto. Class time for practice is included so the student becomes confident in administering Reiki attunements. The Healing attunement is given and received by all students. This class is a powerful healing experience. A class manual is included that gives detailed steps for giving all the attunements.
This class requires an interview and demonstration of your Reiki practice and certificates for Reiki I and Reiki II.
If both student and teacher agree to work together, the student may receive additional support in co-teaching Reiki I, II, and Master Teacher classes.
Tuituion: $1111.00
Call 530 274-2496 for time, location, and details.
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