Find a Ripple near you that you can dive into & Receive

11034264_1089696741055847_8414486433654693595_nI would like to share the gift I received from BraveHeart Women with you –
a free women’s circle called a Ripple on the 11th of every month.

Women all over the world are meeting on the 11th to release enculturated patterns of negative self-talk, fear, over giving and resentment, and the adrenalized patterns of fight, flight or freeze. There are actually natural female hormones we can create ourselves by simply breathing, relaxing, and enjoying sisterhood. During the Ripple we meet heart to heart in a Harmony Circle, DYBO – dance off our buts/stuck energy, and practice gems from the Female Success Model.

Make a Soul to Soul Connection with like-hearted Women!
Experience DYBO at your local BraveHeart Women Ripple
on the 11th of every month.  Find your Ripple here

We are building a field around the world for women to support each other and BE, Blossom, and Create in ease. I invite you to check out and be part of the conversation. Share your voice and vision, be inspired, be part of the hope for humanity.

Access our monthly Grass Valley CA Ripple News on   BraveHeart Women Grass Valley CA

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